Products / Сonfectionery
The ABM club company is a leading supplier of chocolate and confectionery products from the best factories of Ukraine and world brands.
Our products include about 150 types of sweets, including organic and gluten-free ingredients for the confectionery industry.
Raw materials and assortment of confectionery products are not classified in the same way in different countries, but with
from the point of view of manufacturing technology, they can be divided into five groups:
1) caramels;
2) sweets and halva;
3) chocolate and cocoa;
4) marmalade lozenges;
5) flour confectionery.
The primary raw material for the production of all types of confectionery products, there is a whole series of such food products: sugar, molasses, fat, milk, eggs, honey, flour, nuts, fruits, berries, as well as cocoa beans, coffee, cognac, liqueurs, etc.The listed types of raw materials are mostly used for the production of all types of confectionery products in different countriesratios